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Emeth Chambers is a legal firm situated in Barbados. As Barbados is populated with just over 280,000 persons, the majority of legal firms are formed by sole practitioners. In keeping with this social trend, Mrs. Suzanne Barker-Small, Attorney-at-Law. LLB (Hons) UWI founded Emeth Chambers.  

In 2015, Mr. Theo Jones, Attorney-at-Law joined our Chambers as an Associate.

We offer services in other jurisdictions due to a closely-knit network of lawyers & firms in its 30 associate offices across the globe.


Our key areas of practice are intellectual property & e-commerce, corporate and commercial law, real estate-conveyances, mortgages, contracts and property management. We are however general practitioners as is the case with most Barbadian legal firms and also provide services in most types of civil, family, estate and personal injuries.


For Intellectual Property clients to receive details concerning this service, please send an email to our office at ip@emethchambers.com and a full brochure of the services required will be forwarded to you.


We are pleased to be a Hallmark of Truth & Stability.




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